Hi! I’m Sarah. I’m married to Kevin, and we live in Oklahoma. We have two small dogs who travel with us often!
We are the Mann’s and this is our travel blog.

Our travel journey started in 2012 with an all-inclusive vacation to Mexico. At that time, we had been dating for a year. It was during that trip that Kevin proposed! There we were, young, engaged, and enjoying life. We had full time jobs (and still do) as well as part-time jobs. Early in our marriage, we took one summer vacation and went on a road trip during the year. We eventually added more road trips and starting checking off places on our “bucket list.” Fast forward to 2022 and here I am starting a travel blog!
As we returned home from our adventures, I would post pictures on my personal social media page. Each “story” of our adventure had pictures of experiences we had, food we ate, and unique attractions we saw. Prior to visiting each destination, I made itineraries listing the activities we would accomplish each day. Kevin happened to share one of my detailed itineraries with a coworker. They couldn’t believe how organized and well-thought out it was. During this time, friends also began to tell me “you should have a travel blog.” After thinking it over, I decided to look into it. I originally thought that the cost along with time to invest may not work out. However, the more I researched, I became motivated and inspired to begin! So here we are now, the Travelling Mann’s. I am so excited to share our experiences with the world!
We hope anyone reading these posts can benefit from at least one place or event that was mentioned. As I stated above, Kevin and I both have full time careers. While we love to travel, we also enjoy playing golf, watching sporting events, attending concerts and performances, and spoiling our fur-babies!
“Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake.”
Traveling allows us to spend quality time together, enjoy new experiences, and make once-in-a-lifetime memories. Each destination is a page in our storybook. Thank you for reading and safe travels!
~the Mann’s